Yeoju Sejong goal & over/under stats for betting


Yeoju Sejong Goal Stats

South Korea South Korea

Yeoju Sejong

Yeoju Sejong Detailed Goal Stats

The chart below shows Yeoju Sejong's goal scoring and conceding stats across all games, as well as broken down by home & away performance.
Avg Scored 1.00
Avg Conceded 1.70
Avg Scored Home 1.00
Avg Scored Away 1.00
Avg Conceded Home 2.60
Avg Conceded Away 0.80

Yeoju Sejong - All Match Goals

The chart below shows the percentage of the time, the total goals in Yeoju Sejong's matches are above key over/under betting markets.
Over 0.5 90.00%
Over 1.5 80.00%
Over 2.5 50.00%
Over 3.5 30.00%
Over 4.5 10.00%

Yeoju Sejong Home - All Match Goals

The chart below shows the percentage of the time, the total goals in Yeoju Sejong's matches are above key over/under betting markets when Yeoju Sejong play at home.
Over 0.5 100.00%
Over 1.5 100.00%
Over 2.5 80.00%
Over 3.5 40.00%
Over 4.5 20.00%

Yeoju Sejong Away - All Match Goals

The chart below shows the percentage of the time, the total goals in Yeoju Sejong's matches are above key over/under betting markets when Yeoju Sejong play away.
Over 0.5 80.00%
Over 1.5 60.00%
Over 2.5 20.00%
Over 3.5 20.00%
Over 4.5 0.00%

Yeoju Sejong Goals

The chart below shows the percentage of the time, only Yeoju Sejong's goals are above key over/under betting markets.
Over 0.5 50.00%
Over 1.5 20.00%
Over 2.5 20.00%
Over 3.5 10.00%
Over 4.5 0.00%

Yeoju Sejong Home Goals

The chart below shows the percentage of the time, only Yeoju Sejong's goals are above key over/under betting markets when at home.
Over 0.5 60.00%
Over 1.5 20.00%
Over 2.5 20.00%
Over 3.5 0.00%
Over 4.5 0.00%

Yeoju Sejong Away Goals

The chart below shows the percentage of the time, only Yeoju Sejong's goals are above key over/under betting markets when away.
Over 0.5 40.00%
Over 1.5 20.00%
Over 2.5 20.00%
Over 3.5 20.00%
Over 4.5 0.00%

Yeoju Sejong goal stats. This page has all Yeoju Sejong's goal stats and their key performance in the various over/under and totals betting markets. has all the football results, H2H, goal statistics and more for Yeoju Sejong from South Korea. We have near instant live scores, match updates, penalties, red/yellow cards and even VAR for all Yeoju Sejong games. was made from the ground up to be super fast on mobiles, both for the speed of the updates, but also the speed of loading and page response times on slower mobiles. We cover 1000's of football leagues and 100's of countries worldwide and you would struggle to find another live score site that covers more and loads as fast as we do on all devices. We are also adding new data, features and improvements all the time.

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